yesterday morning, on a saturday, my alarm woke me up at 6:49am so that i could get to my run by 8. first thing i did after i woke up was check my emails. the weather reports predicted lots of rain and lightning storms all day saturday so i had to check to make sure the run was still on! lucky us, no rain in site. instead, we were met by another humid day... welcome to dc!!!
on my way over to rock creek park, a lightbult went off in my head and i realized that i had forgotton to take my water bottles! yikes, especially since this past week, my coach has been sending emails that keep saying "if you don't have a water bottle get a water bottle or i won't let you go out on the run." so after a pit stop at a random gas station to purchase a bottle of water, i hike it down to rock creek park to make it there by 8!
for us marathoners, we ran 9 miles. and for the first 8 miles, i was fine, but by mile 8, i was TIRED!!! with only 1 mile to go, i ran a little bit slower (or else the group i was with ran a little bit faster) and finally made it to the end, where an oasis of water, gatorade, bagels, peanut butter and pretzels were waiting!
it was a good run, but let me tell you, the dc humidity is a killer! and let me also tell you that all of us look gorgeous after our run. imagine really sweaty people wearing dorky fanny pack water holders. i know, you're jealous that i get to see that every week.
next week we're scheduled to run 10 miles AND because dc summer has finally hit, with crazily humid days, we are moving our running schedule from saturdays at 8am to saturdays at 7am. not sure how i'll cope with the time but i'll keep you posted.