that's right, as you all know, i've embarked on a journey to run 26.2 miles and finish the marine corps marathon on october 29th! at the same time, i'm also fundraising for the leukemia and lymphoma society; you can check out my webpage at but please keep checking back here for more updates on my crazy adventure!

Sunday, June 25, 2006

rain, the demotivator

so i had a plan today to go and run my 3 miles at 8:30pm. that way i could eat dinner after my run at a decent hour and be back in time to watch entourage at 10. right when i went out the door, it started raining. i figure, oh it's only a few drops, i can handle it. and then the next thing you know, 10 seconds later the drizzle had become a waterfall. typical dc rain. so i went back inside and figure i could come back out in half an hour, after the pouring had stopped. what i thought would be a 10 minute passing shower turned into a 2 and a half hour downpour complete with lightning and thunder. i guess you could call it perfect timing. the rain slowed to a drizzle at 11, but seriously, at that hour, it seems a little late to run right? ahh, the rain, the biggest demotivator of all. looks like i'll have to save my 30-minute run until tomorrow.


Blogger regis said...

very nice blog so far. and actually funny! keep going!

7:59 AM

Blogger stephers said...

thanks for the comments guys! keep them coming. i LOVE reading them! yes i did get to watch entourage and it was good. thanks for the support!

11:28 PM


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