that's right, as you all know, i've embarked on a journey to run 26.2 miles and finish the marine corps marathon on october 29th! at the same time, i'm also fundraising for the leukemia and lymphoma society; you can check out my webpage at but please keep checking back here for more updates on my crazy adventure!

Thursday, July 20, 2006

learning experiences...

on wednesday, i went on a mellow 4 mile run, my first run after my somewhat scary running experience on sunday.

you're probably thinking, what happened on sunday? well, since i opted to run a 4 mile race (oops i mean 5 mile race) on saturday instead of run 12 miles with my team, i had to make up the long run on sunday. so on sunday evening, i set off for my 12 mile run. because saturday's race was more strenuous than normal, since it was a race and i was running much faster that normal, my plan was to run, see how i felt and stop when i got tired. at 9 miles, my legs were sore and my body was tired, so i stopped running and walked the rest of the way home. not sure whether it was because i was dehydrated or because i didn't have any other substances/food with me besides water (when you run more than 6 miles you're supposed to drink/eat something else besides water, such as gatorade, gu, jelly beans, powerbar) but when i got home, i felt really bad and later on, threw up! my lesson from all of this? that for the rest of my long runs, i will drink plenty of water also take gu/jelly beans/gatorade!

as i was saying, yesterday's run was much more pleasant and it was nice to get back out there, after taking monday and tuesday to recuperate.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

damn it, it was a 5 mile run, 5 5 5 5 5 5 5, not 4!

4:54 PM


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