that's right, as you all know, i've embarked on a journey to run 26.2 miles and finish the marine corps marathon on october 29th! at the same time, i'm also fundraising for the leukemia and lymphoma society; you can check out my webpage at but please keep checking back here for more updates on my crazy adventure!

Friday, July 07, 2006

allez les bleus!!!

totally unrelated but france is in the finals of the world cup!

tomorrow i've got another bright and early run at 7am, but this weekend is a cut-back in training (normally during your long runs each week you add 1 to 2 miles per run; however, during some weekends you cut back in your mileage, to help recuperate). anyway, this is a cut-back weekend, so it's only 6 miles tomorrow! i'm assuming they'll go well because the 10 miles went well last week. but you never know, some days you are on and some days off.


Blogger m_ee said...

I've been TRYING to go on the treadmill here at the hotel so that I can still jog with you when I get back!

7:52 AM


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